Pads For Her

Thank you for the beautiful memories we made together in 2021. Our 2022 Impact story series are back and we are excited!!! We kickstart with the selfless Bernadette Ojao. Bernadette Ojao is the founder of Pads for Her, a project set up to improve the menstrual hygiene of girls and women in vulnerable communities through the cheap and comfortable Wabibi Pad. What inspired you to start Pads for Her? I grew up in a dysfunctional home where items like sanitary pads were out of my reach, when my menstrual periods knocked in, I did n ot go to school, I opted to stay at home until my cycle was compleète, improvising with pieces of cloth, Bernadette adds. As time evolved, I heard stories of girls that reminded me of my younger self. These were girls that missed going to school too, including women who were using unhygienic old clothes. I felt so much connected to their stories and I wanted to do something for them. Walk us through the journey...