A ray of Hope.

We are just a few days to end the year 2022, we are still grateful for the good tidings it has come with. Special thanks to all the amazing people that have shared their stories with us. We are because you are. Today is another unique story on compassion from Awenile Miriam, may you be inspired to be good always not only to the people you know but the strangers too. I have been privileged to have encountered lots of compassionate people however, Alyssa Besser is one that I can never forget. She was posted to my community in Ghana as a peace corps, she needed a translator because she couldn't speak the language of my community so I was tasked to be her translator for the entire period of her stay in my community. As time went on, we became the coolest of friends. I learned a whole lot of cool stuff from her. From baking wheat bread to using menstrual tampons and cups... She taught me to make a solar oven and a telescope too. She was open to teaching...