Chess For Social Impact

Stories are powerful, we believe that everything we do is a story to tell, our inspirations are rooted in stories and every story has a moral lesson it passes on. Today's story is so deep!! We tell the chess story, what do you know about Chess for many, it's just a game, but for Adekunle Emmanuel, founder of Chess to School Initiative in Nigeria, It's more than a game. It's so much more, May you be inspired!!! What inspired you to start Chess to School? In one word, the answer is " LOVE". Love for the children to help them see that their "background" should not put their back to the ground. We wanted to help the children see a different narrative that their environment is not necessarily where they belong. They can do great things even in the unlikeliest of environments or circumstances. Growing up, did you love chess? Hmmm, I won't say an Immediate yes to that question, because as a young child, I didn't know the game, Until...