The Covid- 19 pandemic has been a daily talk for the past couple of months, and we could not let this period pass by without sharing lock down stories from people all over the world. 

From us to you we say : " your story matters and at such a time when countless people seem hopeless, it has the ability to speak life to them. Cast a light with your story.

One of our friends Hana Fadil from Sudan shares with us her lock down story.

I am the kind of person that loves everything to go as planned. When we registered the first case of covid -19 in Sudan,  I got into a panic attack. I was so upset that all my plans were going to be put on a stand still to a time I was uncertain of.

I became so obsessed with reading everything about the virus, the number of confirmed cases, death tolls, a vaccine discovery, the effects the lock-down was having on other people, my anxiety levels were on the rise.

I felt I was living a meaningless life. I imagined not going to the university, not working and being unable to achieve anything. The pressure of finding a way to be productive was really making me anxious.

My mind was continuously filled with negative thoughts. I kept thinking of how the pandemic would take away my loved ones in a blink of an eye and how I would not have the chance to say goodbye to them.

I was unashamed to seek help from my professors, my mind was on a roller coaster. With their help, I was reminded that mental health is a priority and now maintaining mental health has been a top achievement for me.

I have learnt that life is not always a straight line, right now, almost the entire world is on hold, everything that is to happen in our lives is destined for the perfect time and date.

This life pause is a chance to know ourselves better, enjoy our families and all their sweet and silly stories, get closer to our friends and appreciate the small blessings that we have always ignored. It is a time to stand together and fight the crisis.

People need you, help them as much as you can, shoulder and shower them your love. 

Don't let anxiety ruin your life. What is meant to be will find it's way to you.

Stay Safe 💕

Stay mentally healthy.💕

Hana, Sudan


  1. Mental health is good for everyone. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story

  2. "Don't let anxiety ruin your life what's yours will find you " I love that .
    I believe the desire to control what happens to our life is what has been really put to test during this period.
    How resilient we can handle disappointments, frustration and feeling powerless even as we want to achieve Proffesional and personal excellence.

    In the meantime we can emulate Hana,for those who may not be able to do much.We can use this to develop our personal and family relationships.Sometime we focus on Proffesional excellence and loose sight of our social connections.

    Nice read!!!!

    1. Thank you so much OBO for sharing these beautiful insights.

  3. I can relate...this weird thing hit when nobody was expecting it and so many people have been affected mentally , people are depressed, it . But all will be well for the Lord our God is so alive ..Thanks for sharing your story sis

  4. I can relate...this weird thing hit when nobody was expecting it and so many people have been affected mentally , people are depressed, it . But all will be well for the Lord our God is so alive ..Thanks for sharing your story sis

    1. thank you so much for your kind words, at such time we need to encourage ourselves in the Lord and be strong shoulders for others to lean on.

  5. Wow this is so amazing

  6. I stopped looking at covid 19 reports in the second week. I turned to reading the Bible and praying, listening to sermons and my energy levels rose to excitment.

    1. This is the attitude we should all adopt,drawing our energies from any uplifting material we all can get.

  7. Lovely read Hana. It's uplifting to know that I am not alone experiencing the same anxieties because of shattered plans. I like how you've put it, taking this situation positively and pausing to re-evaluate and re-group. Thank you. Stay safe.

    1. This is the beauty in sharing stories Melanie, we see pieces of ourselves in other people's stories.

  8. Wow, good insights on the uncertainty of this pandemic. I agree with you that even with everything happening around it, mental health is paramount too.

    1. It is beautiful knowing that keeping with a sound mind is a concern to many. Thank you for your kind words.

  9. A nice read and very relatable since it's not affecting just the individual but everyone globally. One of the ways I've found to be productive is through continous learning. The quest for knowledge never ceases so get online were there are plenty of resources (both free and paid) and pick on a new skill. The importance of mental health cannot be stressed enough -especially at times such as this. Keep safe and stay awesome!

    1. Thank you Mark for stressing the need to continuously acquire knowledge at all times.

  10. "This life pause is a chance to know ourselves better, enjoy our families and all their sweet and silly stories, get closer to our friends and appreciate the small blessings that we have always ignored. It is a time to stand together and fight the crisis."

    You couldn't have said this better. This is time for us to embrace our loved ones, focus on the things that improve us in the long run and help spread love instead of fake news which causes more anxiety across the world. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Hana. Good luck!

  11. I always feel throw back time when i was in primary and the social studies teacher could always mentally rise me at sight ,
    i would feel the five strokes of the Cain in the brain before lying on the punishment desk, just mentioning his name was another night mare I hated the subject plus the teacher and everyone who passed the subject, but what was amazing at interaction with fellows was, the same mental stress for the science and math mathematics teachers they expressed today its my bad day because it was math and science on the time table.
    What would we learn about this! to read more of our failed subjects or be beaten up whenever it comes to the ghost subject and madly stress over and over but a while I chose to like just one thing about that teacher and guess what the beauty of his speech tone and stopped minding the slashes at my flesh.
    Time moved from failing to leaping and eventually to credits and total love for the subject.
    From that day i started seeing strange opportunities from fear an bad and started covering up myself to opportunist in the dark, which has always helped me rocks and believe in myself.

    1. Sound Voice for inclusion, thank you so much for all your kind words, There are lessons in everything, we only need to stop and reflect on them.


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