Thinking Outside the box

One of the biggest challenges non profit organizations face is funding. A few, like AHI Uganda have risen up to defy this odd by being so creative. AHI Uganda has introduced "The Mercy Bag", a local fundraising campaign that has supported many of their charitable programs. Join us as we take you on the Mercy bag journey, a story narrated by Luganda Isaac, founder AHI Uganda. We are captivated by the name Mercy Bag, Can you tell what it is? Mercy Bag is a donation bag in form of a box placed in several locations for well-wishers and donors to contribute to our noble cause of transforming lives. How and when did Mercy Bag start? Mercy Bag began in 2017 when members and well-wishers willingly contributed money, food, scholastic materials and clothes to support the needy families in the slum areas of Banda and Kasenyi. You spoke of Mercy Bag supporting other programs implemented by AHI Uganda, What are these programs? The Mercy Bag is a strong shoulder to The Bursar...