UNASHAMED STORY 4  - Ageno Irene

       " You are a unique super power" - Irene


  Ageno Irene Kandi is currently a third year student of Makerere University pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Irene discovered her passion for mental health after being diagnosed with Psychogenic Dysphoria , a  mental health condition with heavy trauma that took away her speech for a period of six months. Her dream is to work as a private psychologist through Kilm Mental Health Uganda a non-profit organization that will offer counseling, career guidance, psychological support, speech therapy so that she can help people overcome their fears. She is also a member of Tell a story Foundation Uganda.

 Irene shares with us her experience on her loss of identity to low self esteem.

I define identity as something part and parcel of someone. I have a very beautiful personality . I am an introvert that will only speak when she has to. I am a dreamer with a drive to serve humanity and put countless smiles on so many faces by all means. 

At some point in my life, I went through a terrible phase of low self esteem. I  could not look at myself in the mirror and embrace the gift of beauty.  I was made to believe that I was not beautiful or confident enough to hold any leadership role  since I was very shy and soft-spoken. I paved way for negativity. The words of the naysayers around me were constant bells in my ears. I cared more about what they said ignoring my potentials and substance. I was desperate for a change, I thought if I would be loud spoken then no one would ridicule me.  As time passed by, I  realized that I could be my own kind of beautiful , I learnt to speak up and when I don't like something I tell the person directly.

To the beautiful young women out there, "be comfortable in your own skin, if you are told you cannot sing,  it doesn't mean you cannot be a song writer. You are your own unique super power that tends to be limited because of what has been said or  because you spend time wishing you were like  some celebrity out there" .

The best gift you can ever be is to be you so that you can attract the right people that will appreciate you for you.

I am me. I am Unashamed.

Irene, 22


  1. Wow! I'm amazed. Glad to know you stood up for yourself.I salute you👏👏👏

  2. Amazing story that l recommend to every Lady out there...Every woman Is beautiful in their own way.

    1. Thank you so much for the recommendation. We are uniquely beautiful

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Sound voice for inclusion for appreciating.


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