14th May 2020


Meet Hope Abbo , a passionate  learner that believes in the  beauty of discovering new  things each day.

  " you are not defined by your situation" -                             Hope Abbo

Hope is a twenty year old student of Makerere University  pursuing  a bachelors degree of  Arts in Development Economics . She works as the general manager of Basic Life Uganda and an  event manager at Tell A Story Foundation Uganda. She is also the secretary of Makerere Gavel public speaking Club, a position that has been influenced by her love for motivating the masses.

Here is her story on identity.

" Identity is a sense of belonging" 

I am a child of God. I am an open minded and selfless person that loves people and giving back to community.
I am a very creative person that loves putting my head to use. My passion makes me me. It has driven me to a number of things starting with my education to professional life. I must say most of the things I have done so deeply engrossed with my passion have worked out.

Two years ago, I was in a relationship with someone that felt I am not good enough. We were on two different sides; I thought A and he thought B. So he left and I was in self doubt wondering what I did not do right.

I found comfort in attending fellowships at one of my best churches known as Watoto Church. From there, I learnt  about God and that my true identity was in him.

It was not an overnight transformation but step by step, I gained my confidence, value and my self worth. 

I would love to tell all the beautiful young women that are struggling with identity that they should not let situations define them. Their identity is found in Christ who truly loves and cares for them. He sees their value and potential that other people cannot see.

Yes, I've battled with self doubt and yes, I am Unashamed to talk about it. I am a conqueror.


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