Be at Peace with yourself

Lock down Story 8: Amali Juliet

Amali Juliet is the founder of  Mt Elgon peace initiative that educates people on the importance of maintaining peace. She is also a teacher in  Kenya.

The pandemic has greatly affected both my  professional and personal life, Juliet says.

With zero campaigns for the peace initiative and unpaid leave my mind was really opened  to venture into business.

 As a young struggling woman , I had very  meagre capital and that only made it difficult for me to start a business. The little I had, could not enable me  start a big business, so I decided to start a small car wash powered by Diesel. 

I found the venture so challenging because I was inexperienced and I lacked a good site to wash the vehicles.  I had to employ two young men who unfortunately were inexperienced too, they could not  operate the machine and within two weeks it had broken down forcing me to take a loan to repair it. 

With the pressures that come with taking loans, more so at uncertain times such as this, I made up my mind to go to the nearest car wash to learn how to operate the machine and wash the vehicles by myself.

 The carwash business has helped me during this Pandemic, I have been able to pay my bills and help two less fortunate people in my community that I stay with.  The savings from  the carwash helped me start another animal feed business.
This Pandemic had taught me to be patient with myself and source out for more means of survival. I have also learnt to embrace the skills that I learnt at YALI Regional Leadership Centre. I have understood that patience, resilience and hard work are traits we all need to have so as to be successful. 

Despite the Pandemic , I thank God for enabling me find the satisfaction in serving my community and being at peace with myself too,  an attitude I would encourage everyone to adopt. We should not let prevailing situations change our state of mind❤️

Amali Juliet



  1. There are times you look at life and wonder at all the dynamism involved bearing in mind we are finite and cannot alter its course. These moments call for managing situations in ways we never thought we could before, it's change;we can never be ready for it. At the end of it all we somehow overcome, stronger than before. It's only then that we discover we have not been weaklings rather we have been doing things differently. We are stronger than the current situations.

    1. Thank you so much for such a heart warming message. Our end is beautiful and yes this can only leave us better.

  2. Amazing yet inspiring. Thank you for sharing

  3. Great and encouraging words indeed. Proud of you Amali

  4. Off course Juliet thats the way to go lets continue having ideas and that character of idendifying opportunities which might be helpfull at some point and not only to yourself but also you are giving a good example and the right truck to our fellow youths which they should re-think and move especially those educated ones whom may also gain the same positive image to pasure our hopes.

  5. So encouraging words madam juliet.


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