Cultivate Your Craft

Lock down series 9: Philanthrope Bihamba

When the lock down started, I thought It would not take long. It is so unfortunate that the arcades and events that were my sources of income were  closed.

The Mirembe arcade,  located on Nasser road where I work as a graphics designer was shut down, I belong to Quartier des as tst, a Congolese band that plays at events, It is sad that we have not had a feel of the stage in a couple of months.

In the first month, It was a smooth period because I had saved some money from other projects which helped me stock food for home.  Then, time started going by so fast, with no time we were in the second month, then third, at this time I had no penny on me. I had never experienced this in my whole entire life. 

Being the bread winner of the home, with two young sisters to take care of, I could not just remain sitted, I had to hustle my way through just like any other African, I am Proud to be African because we surely have many ways of surviving.

 Lucky enough, I have a family of three who happen to be my  clients for the guitar lessons, so every week they come, they each give me forty thousand Uganda Shillings. I was now reaping from my music gift.πŸ˜‰

My young sister is nineteen years old , as a student she mastered the art of plaiting hair while at her hostel. At times some of our neighbors call her to work on their hair. She comes back home with roughly ten thousand Uganda shillings depending on the hair style they have asked for. 

 Saving is a very important thing in life and we should equally be wise in our spendings, we need to discern what is urgent, not urgent, necessary and unnecessary.

We need to cultivate our crafts and in this case I mean all the gifts we have been endowed with, water them daily, pour some tender loving care on to them , watch them grow , be patient and always keep in mind You reap what you sow.

Philanthrope Bihamba. 

A Congolese living in Uganda


  1. That's absolutely right and we have to ask God to reveal to us what our true gifts are for those that haven't yet realised their gifts because every good and perfect gift comes from God.

  2. This has been well said Ivan. Thank you so much


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