See the Good


I am a third year student at Kyambogo University pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Land Surveying and Information Systems. 

By this time,  I would be thinking of my  final year but because of the pandemic, I still remain uncertain about the continuity of education in my country.

I am also a  lover of basketball , a skill I am Unashamed to take pride in, most people think it is a sport for only men, but women can surely play just like men, I am a witness to this.

This  period has contributed to my spiritual growth. With my family, my faith has increased,  my prayer life has changed too, Before I could not last long in prayer but now I can. 

I have learnt new hairstyles and this has helped me save a lot of money that I would have spent in the saloon.  I can budget properly and better now.

I can now  make some good food because I had really dreadful cooking skills. Being at home, has given me ample time to practise more in the kitchen.

Self love has been such a good remedy for me. The truth is If you don't love you, no one will.  This love cuts across so many things, caring for yourself, exercising, sleeping in  time and not  over working  yourself, drinking enough water, eating the right food and so much more, I have had my own meetings where I have got to know myself more. This has really been a  nice thing.

I would say. Let us choose to see the good out of every situation and then tap into opportunities to be better people and in turn help others to be the best they can be.

Ayo Patra



  1. glad to read your story dear Patra...this has indeed been a great time for us to look into different things in our lives most especially our relationship with our God, our spirituality because that shapes the kind and quality of life we lead . God bless you beloved


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