Beautiful in my Skin

Many women all over the world are struggling with body shaming. Some have really hated their bodies to the extent that they do not find themselves worthy to appear in the public.

 Others have risen up to define the odds with an attitude: we are all beautiful in our own skin. 

Meet Grace Shisha as she shares her story on body shaming and how she found her path to loving her skin.

 I hated my body and all its entirety. Each time I saw my thin friends I was filled with admiration because I saw them happy, free to express themselves, they were not selective on their attires, they really looked good on everything they wore.

I limited myself from a happy life of waking up every morning with a free spirit to enjoy the good things of this world. I ate lemons, starved myself  because I thought being small was the only way to go.

 I doubted myself. I did not feel smart in whatever outfit I was wearing . Each time I got out of the house,  I felt like all eyes were on me and I was being laughed at.

 I could hear comments at the back of my mind, "she is pregnant yet she is young, her stomach is big...  The only person who made me feel happy was my dad because he kept reminding me how I am so beautiful. He became a confidant and hiding place.   I remember often times asking him, Pa, Am I too fat?  His replies always brightened me each day, "I love you the way you are, your so beautiful".

 With positive engergy from my Pa, I had become immune to comments.  I remember my early days of high school being called fatjoe,bitama , and all sorts of nick names. I was not moved any more by their words.

In my quest for self love and acceptance. I  came to know about the Charity Plus Size Fashion show auditions at ambiance club and after a series of mentorship,  I became a Plus Size model, a decision I do not regret ever taking.

Becoming a member of this amazing family would be an under statement, I have known real love that goes beyond the skin, meeting  women just like me that love their bodies has boosted my self confidence. I have enjoyed every bit of my journey with them. 

 I am grateful that I have been given a platform to express myself freely without any judgement.I now walk with the belief that if any one tries to body shame me "my creator God says I am his beautiful creation and no one can change it".

 Body confidence is loving the way you were created, walking with your head held high up and  sure of your beauty . It is knowing that you have value and purpose on this earth.  It is being confident in your skin even when you are being body shamed, you take the  stand to fight for your freedom as a Plus Size lady and doing  what small people can do .

Grace Shisha



  1. Wow this is a really beautiful story from a beautiful model
    Grace yo story I believe can inspire another plus size person out there am so proud of you my dear

  2. Thank you for believing in Grace's story.


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