Gratitude Stored in my heart

Gratitude is the sweetest thing in a seekers life – in all human life. If there is gratitude in your heart, then there will be tremendous sweetness in your eyes.” Sri Chinmoy

In my life walk, I have grown to appreciate the beauty in a "thank you" . At at times we take for granted the things that really deserve our gratitude ignoring the fact that appreciation is the greatest craving of human kind .

 The more grateful i have been, the more beauty I have seen even in the things others would call petty.❤️

I would love to personally thank these individuals that devoted their time to share their stories about the lock down effect on them, the lessons they learnt that changed their view of life.

It was not easy for them however they shared their stories honestly even when they were ugly.

These are people I call my heroes. People that refuse to stay in their story because it has some mishaps but rather go out there and do something great to make it better.

Everyone that shared their story on this series has known me from somewhere, and each of them has left a unforgettable  foot print  in me. 

I got the biggest number of stories from my Cohort 35 YALI family in Kenya that I met during the one month Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Program. I take pride in knowing and celebrating you all.🤗

Beulah ,  my roommate in Kenya, we laughed and cried together. With her business mind, we started a YALI Kiosk in our room selling snacks and drinks to our cohort mates and facilitators, We ran about doing door to door deliveries time and time again. In that one month I learnt to appreciate sisterhood.

Hana, my group J mate from Sudan. She taught me the value of embracing team work which finally paid off when our group won the USAID design challenge under the Civic class.

Tumaini, that person that welcomed me with a smile always. We called each other boss because we sold snacks together during break times.

 Zippporah, her voice produced the sweetest melodies and her wide smile is a ray of hope.

 Israel, the amazing person that brightened my face with laughter each time he called my name in his DRC accent. He was  the welcoming kind. We often  sat and shared meals together. Even with his disability, he remains an achiever.

 Vanneziah, the little sister I had. She shared with me her dreams for an equal world for the girls. She always said hello and rooted for my work the moment she learnt about it.

Juliet,  the one smart teacher that always talked about her job. 

Oh and then comes my country men and women.❤️❤️

Enock, my president and Cohort 18 mate at Reignite Africa Career Positioning Program. He is a true definition of a leader, always looking out for us.

Phil, the man who fills our Tell a story stages with soul music.

Patra, my high school friend who has been there in thick and thin.

From each one of these people: One thing stands out for me.

There is power in networking and creating meaningful relationships. You lose nothing by lightning another candle. We are here to increase others from where we are and what we can do. 

Without you all, we could not have had any feature stories . The world needs to have  more people like you.  You are all amazing ❤️



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