Cajon Music House

Every day, a new artist comes to the scene with one good hit and after a couple of months it is no more. We ask why ? We discovered that at times some artists lack mentors to hold their hands, walk them through the journey and back them up, they only have themselves to lean on. Meet Collin Sserunjogi, a passionate music artist in Uganda creating a safe space for other music lovers to commune, grow, celebrate and share their music. We first saw Collin on stage in 2018 during Tell a Story's bonfire night at Save Street Children Uganda. The emotion in his music created chills,each string he hit was nothing but a story with a beautiful melody. Well, Collin started his journey from playing the guitar during his free time and being in possession of a unique instrument called the Cajon. The Cajon is box shaped and its roots are from the land of Peru, an Espanola speaking community. As my passion for music grew, the desire to cre...