The Community Builder

On this Christmas day, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ,  many of us have travelled to  bond with our families to share the blessings of love, peace, comfort, joy and so much more. From us to you, we say Happy holidays!!!

 As we draw closer to the end of the year. Take a moment to breathe, look at the journey from January until now, see the far you have come,  There is just to much to be thankful for.. We are excited you are still with us. You deserve a pat on the back. Yeey!! You are here because the world still needs you. So congs on reaching this far.

We could not let this day, or the  year 2020 end without sharing this very inspirational Story from our friend, Micah Nkalubo, team leader Team 12. Micah's heart for ministry is a true reflection of love and service for the people. Be inspired with his story.

Tell us about yourself?

I am Micah Nkalubo, a community builder and social entrepreneur.

I am also a founding member of Team 12 where I work as a field researcher, learning facilitator, personal development trainer, life coach and project manager.

What does Team 12 do?

Team 12 is a community organization working towards improving livelihoods in the slum and rural communities of Uganda and beyond.

What inspired you to start Team 12?

As early as 17,  I was a witness to the state of vulnerability among the community members.  

 Everyone I saw and met had their own share of problems : the youths, single mothers and child parents, who were victims of early unplanned pregnancies.

With a drive to transform lives , I started mobilizing family and friends, encouraging them to lend a hand to these people especially through basic needs that were inaccessible.

 And Oh!! What a joy it was sharing the little we had with them!!!  Too sad the feeling of impact only lasted a short time.  It would only take a few days before whatever was given to them was finished. The people were in need again. 

Soliciting for help for them was good but not sustainable; we had to ask ourselves, how else can we create a lasting solution to support these people in dare need of basic needs? 

Do you have any background in ministry work?

Yes I do. My journey began as early as 17 years.  Together with friends, we have been serving the vulnerable.

In  the year 2014,  I began Prayer word ministries which closely brought me to serving families and communities.

We started as a movement that shared the love of God to the vulnerable, participating in charity activities like painting a school, giving out donations and so much.  These bumble beginnings have inspired me to reach out to more people. 

What are some of the challenges you have faced?

The plight in the stories we often hear from people have left us so emotional. It is so sad seeing young people idle and wasting their youthfulness to drug abuse, prostitution, alcoholism and negative peer influence. Through our programs we are improving their lives.

What impact has Team 12 had so far?

We have established strong relationships with a number of organizations. In the years 2016 to 2018, we have worked with  ACTS FOUNDATION and Teens Challenge to hold faith building annual and capacity building conferences  at Africa Renewal University and  Butabika Hospital at The Alcohol and Drugs Unit.

We have spear headed mission teams to work hand in hand with the pastors in local communities during crusades , discipleship classes, community activities and conferences.

As we grow,  our work has expanded to various communities such as Maya, Nakalanda, Wobulenzi, Gulu, Kasokoso, Massaja, Katanga, Bweyogerere, Budduda and Mbale.

We are currently well connected and working with over ten families, local churches and a number of residents in Kasokoso and Massaja where we are progressively working towards implementing Community Discipleship and Development programs.

We have grown a network of  partnerships with PROJECT EARTH, FILCO, KICHINI GARDENS, League of Young Proffessionals, Social Innovation Academy, Mawejje Creations and Tell a Story Foundation who have availed human resource and offered financial support whenever called upon to step in. 

We are currently working with 8 committed residents of Massaja B Cell, undertaking a journey of  starting community building initiatives and social enterprises.

 We are also working with 10 women in kasokoso and  through  a financial support program that offers low interest loans, the  women have been able to start,  grow their businesses and improve their livelihoods. 

What are your future plans for Team 12?

We plan on creating The Team 12 - Family and Community Center model. Community residents in slum or rural areas  team up in teams of twelve to start community building initiatives that enable them to  take charge of their own problems and find their own solutions without being dependant or having to blame anyone.

We will offer programs like  field research, community empowerment trainings, 
team coaching and business mentorships that will renew the mindsets of the residents as they begin to connect and realise their potential, resourcefulness and the opportunities around not them that are not yet  utilized.

This model encourages continuity as teams of twelve train more teams of twelve for purposes of continuity. Micah adds.

What gives you the greatest fulfilment?

It is living a life of love and service. I am more energized seeing people's lives transformed.

 Every great person that I know has lived by these principles and left a great mark on the world. 

What message do you have for the young people out there?

I would say,  "If you are truly concerned about something , not only in your community but other areas of life, you must get involved". 

This way you are contributing to the good of others. You can not afford to just sit, you must stretch yourself to support other people. 
At the end of the day. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

More about Micah

Micah's  passion for sustainable community building has made him go through a number of leadership trainings where he has been well trained and equipped with skills to lead and serve people better..

Micah is a receipient of the Mawejje Creations Scholarship for the League of Young Professionals Program . He is also a certified life coach with Erikson International, a Social Innovation Academy (SINA) fellow.

Micah has trained and served with Advocating Christianity through Service by ACTS Foundation, Discipleship Class by Watoto Church, Reach 4 life by Biblica Uganda, Living Streams Flow by Kampala Church of Christ, Sports Leadership by Kings Sports Ministry, Stay Alive Program by Starfish Enrichment Society, among others 

Micah is also a minister of God called to spread the message of "Great People Truly Love and Genuinely Serve".  He is also a member of Phaneroo Ministries International.

Micah is very enthusiastic about traveling to do missionary work in areas of poor human living conditions mainly slums and rural settlements/communities.

To follow Team 12. Visit Team 12  Sustainable Community Building on Facebook

Why Tell a Story loves this Story?

Micah's Story is the best example of servant leadership. His vision for a complete family that accepts responsibility and for a community concerned about it's growth and the needs of others is very heart warming. We need more selfless Micah's in the world to drive change we need to see.


  1. I am glad to find out how it all began. Truly inspirational.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and encourage. We look forward to a brighter future

  2. Thanks Tell A Story Foundation for featuring my story!

    And thanks to all family, friends and partner organizations that daily work side by side with Team_12 to see this vision of Discipling and Developing Nations through Family and Community ministry take great strides

    I love you all and honor the blessings you are to me and Team_12

    1. It is an honor to share your story. Thank you for the opportunity to feature you.

  3. Each time you share your story, it is a reminder that you have lived it and that is has value. Thank you Micah for sharing. I know thousands have seen a piece of themselves in your story.

  4. Papa Micah u have been an inspiration in my life and my husband Denis and I know God is using you to change this World.

    1. Thanks my dear Bridget! God bless you. Thanks for being a part of my life, thanks for the support and encouragements you have given me over the years.

  5. Go Micah and thank you so much for the commitment and focus. Blessings.

    1. You are welcome. Thanks for appreacitng the work and encouraging us to keep going

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for believing in Micah's work

    2. Thanks you. I am glad to hear that you have been insipired through this story! I look forward to what will be your next step 😁


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