Rising above Cultural naming

Meet the Young Woman in Nigeria using art to tell stories. She says, If the men are doing it, why not me?

My grand mother named me "Chijioke", an African Igbo name that means " God holds talent or gifts" 

As I grew up, I become more aware that mostly the male children bore that name, I was so shy about it that I preferred to be called  "Goodness",  my English name.

Looking back now, Grandma was right to name me "Chijioke", she saw something in me, it was talent, and now more than ever I believe in the power of African naming.

 At the age of 5, I was writing stories and poems, I drew and composed songs from imagination.

  Often, I was tearing papers from my exercise books, that I folded to create mini books with  beautifully illustrated stories. My classmates purchased them, their support encouraged me to chase my dreams.

What does being a woman mean to you?

 Womanhood means a lot to me, most times, people are going to tell you that women are not important, but then, I feel fulfilled as a woman, I am walking a beautiful journey everyday where I learn and  unlearn

Being  a woman is a biological design, God made us this way. Why should you be afraid , ashamed or shy? And it does not affect your smartness, intelligence or abilities. We are all blessed.

Sometimes being a woman can be tricky. There are alot of write-ups telling women what to be and who to be, sometimes we get confused and get caught up in trying to impress yet we can achieve whatever we put our minds to do.

Are there any attitudes you have witnessed from people after discovering you are a female artist in a space known for men? 

Yes, most people think I am joking when I say I paint,  my best part of the shock is when I show them my art work. Goodness smiles . " I say, you are human like the men, and being a woman is not an excuse to do less".

Have you sold any art pieces or written any stories?

Yes, currently I have sold more than fifteen artworks including commissioned portraits, composed up to fifty songs that I know I will  record  someday, I have also written ten shorts stories and thirty poems that  by God's grace I will publish.

What do you think of the creative industry?

I believe there is  enough space for each one of us to uniquely harness and grow our potentials.
Are there people that have held your hand in this journey?

Yes, my parents have been such a strong supporting system.

 One time I asked  my mother, is there any need for me to be successful in business since I am only a girl?", and she said , "of course, everybody can be successful" I held those words so dear to my heart.

My father coached me on how to draw and paint better, he equally purchased so many novels, so that I could improve my vocabulary.

Who is your role model? 

 I am mostly inspired by Chimamda Adichie Ngozi and her novels,  Chimamda is more than a writer, She is a bold and phenomenal woman. Chimamda makes me dream more, because of her I can step out and do what I love best,  Art.
What are some of the lessons you have learnt 
I had this tricky thoughts playing in my head, "only if I were a man".

I had this zeal to go for what God has endowed me with, because we were taught in our primary schools and junior secondary schools that men worked and they were somehow channeled fully into their career path, women at some point had to face family( which isn't always the true.).

I just think everyone has the right to create a different story because destinies differ entirely.

Have you sold any art pieces or written any stories?

Yes, currently I have sold more than fifteen artworks including commissioned portraits, composed up to fifty songs that I know I will  record  someday, I have also written ten shorts stories and thirty poems that  by God's grace I will publish.
  Yes, Chijioke is a male or female name, it evolves around God's interest in being managers to our gifts and abilities. And being a woman is not a reason to do nothing, say nothing, die and be non existent, no! You know talent is not just enough, I understood that and it enabled me embrace hard work and good self esteem. Goodness adds.
Growing up and believing in myself changed the way I view the world and we should also embrace the ability to view the world differently.


What challenges have you encountered in your walk as a woman artist?

On three occasions, three different male clients have asked me to make a nude painting of myself promising a very good payment.  I don't like being manipulated, standing bold, I told them NO and asked them to leave, my spirit was not okay with it.  Goodness adds. 

What are some of the lessons you are unashamed of sharing?

 I am totally unapologetic, If God blesses you with a gift, you just have to rock it, regardless of your gender.  God has blessed each one of us with a gift , these gifts are not race and gender selective or sensitive, not even culture or society can change that. 

I have come to learn that, nobody is too young to be blessed or successful. I took my painting, writing and music seriously. I challenged myself to paint daily and do other stuffs that I could do,

I have learned that, if you do your thing and be yourself, the right people will be impressed by your good work.

 Lastly, every woman deserves to be respected regardless. you cannot expect everyone to be like you and vise versa. You cannot force women who wears a  hijab to stop, neither can you stop a woman who feels comfortable dressed in trousers. The goal is to make women comfortable with their choices.

Why we love this story?

The world needs more people like Goodness to remind us that we are not defined by what society thinks of us.  We ourselves should take pride in our uniquenesses and rise to be the best we can be. There is so much more than the message of how others think we should be. You are worthy.


  1. Indeed we are worthy. Goodness is truly an amazing courageous lady. She teaches me that boldness is not a bad thing in a lady when used well and when harnessed wisely, it takes someone to greater heights.

    A toast to ladies who are always pushing on to achieve their dreams. Bravo Goodness, continue on to unfathomable greatness.

  2. You will rule Nigeria someday

  3. Goodness is really an amazing person. I love her confidence

  4. Thank you so much for such a heart warming comment.


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