
In a world where turmoil dominates the evening news and words of discouragement often prevail, I feel blessed to meet daily with individuals around the globe whose lives convince me that there is an abundance of good among us.- Dr. Stephen Covey.

Dr. Stephen Covey's quote speaks directly to the Covid times we are in. Amidst it all, we are thankful to encounter genuine individuals like Abatesi Valeria who do so much to contribute to the world around them.

Meet Abatesi Valeria, a Shero using coffee as a tool for creating community. 

What was your inspiration to start Coffee4Talk?

 I was driven by my desire to see people living well and in peace. I have been with friends that have been abused in their homes, their homes did not give them any refuge or any happiness but rather sadness .

Why Coffee?

I love coffee, It keeps calm.  I used to invite friends to my home just to drink coffee and share stories on how our days were moving. We shared the laughter's and the sorrows..Valeria adds. 

Coffee is the best tool I can use to build cohesion in communities and enable families settle their disputes.

How has having a dual citizenship of both Ugandan and Rwandese origin impacted your life?

 Oh wow. It has gifted me with a rich blend of both cultures and together with my learning experiences, personality and  personal perspective, I have come to appreciate humanity, nature, peace and diversity.

Did your upbringing in any way mould you into the person you are today?

Oh yes, I grew up in a home full of conflict, there are at times I wanted to run away from home. I must say that environment made me a natural born leader with an empathetic and caring heart. I am so thankful because I can now listen to people going through some similar challenges I faced and give them a space to share their pains.

What keeps you determined to keep the Coffee4Talk dream alive?

My inner drive and ambition to contribute to my society and generation never dies and will continue to do so until everyone is peaceful.

Apart from being the face and brain behind Coffee4Talk, what else do you do?

Currently I work with Mawejje Creations as a secretary, Mawejje Creations is a social enterprise that adds value to banana fiber and provides employment to youths mainly women.

Have you attended any leadership programs that have influenced you as a leader?

Oh yes, I have been apart of the US Africa Business Week, the League Of Young Professionals, the Academic writing symposium and through my affiliation with Uganda Christian University as a staff member and as well as a student,  I have had the opportunity to be apart of some mentorship and writing programs that  taught me how to build and keep positive relationships, be fair and considerate, and to meditate in conflicting situations.

 What are your thoughts on the Coffee4Talk event happening this 26th?

 I see this event as a dream come true for me, it gives me happiness and hope that in the near future we shall be able to see families work together without conflicts.  And the fact that I am able to share the little knowledge I have with others gives me peace of mind. 

I encourage everyone to join the discussion, much as we cannot gather to meet physically, we will drink our coffee and tell our stories on domestic violence virtually.

Any partying shot for the audience?

I would say, do not dwell on problems and negative thoughts because that only leads to depression and stress. Always be happy, wear a smile, it's the best outfit on you..

 What we think?

We love this story because Valeria is a change maker that embraced her love for coffee to create an avenue for talking about societal issues that affect us. This story is for people that use their passions to make the world a safe place.

To join Coffee4Talk this Saturday, June 26th starting at 3pm to 4:30pm EAT, follow the meeting details.  Or open Meet and enter this code: chd-vhyd-bjy

Looking forward to seeing you all, we are the stories we tell.


  1. Bravo! Coffee4Talk. You are a true testament that we don't need to do big to positively impact people. Big life changing discussions are held over a cup of coffee!

    1. Anita, you could not have said any better. Thank you for your inputs to have this story here.

  2. Wooooow, I can feel the real Vibe of impacting the community & making the difference! Keep aiming high the sky is the limit!


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