The Power of rightful thinking

Sharon Katushabe is a Ugandan social entrepreneur empowering vulnerable groups of people with knowledge and skills for rightful living.

She believes that we all become what we think about most of the time.

Tell a story got to know more about her and the Inspirational work her organization, Vase of Transformation is doing to encourage changed mindsets.

What does your organization do?

Vase Of Transformation is a non-Profit Organization that equips young people with skills in advocacy, dialogue and empowerment to lead better lives. 

What gave birth to it?

Growing up, I witnessed instances where girls around me dropped out of school, postponed their dreams and aspirations to give their brothers priority to fulfil their destinies. This made me question society and the root of this inequality, and led me to start Vase Of Transformation to empower young men and girls alike to achieve their dreams.

 Walk us through the journey.

It has been a roller coaster. Our projects; The Sanitary Pad Campaign and the Unlocking of Teenage Mothers' Potential were birthed during the lockdown. It has not been easy implementing them in this COVID-19 time. 

Despite this uncertainty, we have managed to train young girls how to make reusable sanitary pads, and through the skills development and livelihood support, teenage mothers have been able to look after themselves and their children.

Share with us some of the milestones that you have achieved.

From February 2020-June 2021, we have engaged with 16 communities, impacted 1,500 beneficiaries and worked with 20 partners in 3 regions across the country.
 What are your hopes and dreams?

It is my desire to see young girls and women achieve anything they put their minds to, for them to know that their voices matter and deserve to be heard at all levels and for all young person to get a fair chance to build a stable future.

What does the future hold?

The next stage of our plan is to expand our funding base and develop new partnerships to scale up our activities. 

 Who benefits from your work?

Young people living in slums and impoverished communities, school dropouts, youth in schools, and teenage mothers.
How are you helping them?

We have initiated programs that directly communicate to our beneficiaries. These include,  Unlocking the Teenage Mothers' Potential, Dare to Speak Up which aims at raising awareness against gender based violence, Vase Livelihood and My Health My Priority project which focuses on sexual reproductive health.

If given a chance, what would you do differently?

In my line of work, I have realized that our people lack information to deal with the problems they face. If there was anything I could do differently, it would be ensuring that relevant information is dispersed in the simplest language possible to every person regardless of age and location.

What motivates you to keep working towards your dreams?

A society can only work well when everyone is contributing something to it. My inspiration is my satisfaction. When I help someone, they become happy, and this motivates me.

Any advice to the listeners out there who have dreams of doing what you do? 

The circumstances into which you were born should never determine your destiny. Someone before you dared to be bigger than the condition into which he/she was born. This means that if they overcame, so can you. We can be better, wiser, and kinder. We have to grow up and stop acting like 10 years old. There is much to do, much to see, and much to go into. 

Why we love this Story?

Sharon reminds us that we alone have the power and ability to make our lives and the world better only if we can we can respond to the ability to do the things availed to us with the right thoughts.

To know more about the impact this young group is doing.

Follow Vase of Transformation on Facebook.


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