The Cake Guy

Covid 19 will forever remain a story to tell by everyone that has been a part of the 21st century.
With a lot of setbacks, we have been inspired by the young people that have risen to build innovations. From us to you, we say, you have done well, keep going.

Meet Elvis Stephen Akaki, a raising entrepreneur who through his Cake Guy is conquering our hearts and tummies with his delicious cakes.

What inspired you to start the Cake Guy?

The 2020 lockdown was a major turning point in my life. Money was not coming through, I and my colleagues were laid off from work. With this, I could only ponder on how I would clear my home bills. I had begun baking in 2019, but it was more of a side business because I was earning from somewhere else. Well, Covid was a wake-up call...

Is there a specific personal experience that triggered you to step out?

Surely yes, One day,  I ordered a cake to gift a very good friend of mine, that was before I tapped into my baking world. Well, guess what? the cake was not loved.

I was so heartbroken, because, at that time, I did not have money, and getting it was another long chain, it came from far... Jokingly, I said, I can make a better cake and with that extra push, I was more energized to do more.

How did it all begin? 

On my last day at the university, I got a call from my childhood friend asking me to be her business partner. There is no way, I could object, it was perfect timing. 

I mainly did part-time jobs, on other days I worked overtime because some of my workmates were unavailable. By the time, Covid knocked in, I had saved about 900.000 Uganda shillings, I did not know what to do with it, but deep down in me, I felt I wanted to do a business. I wanted to have another source of income other than waiting for the month to climax to get a salary.

Is there someone that held your hand as you started this journey?

I was blessed to have a cousin that did catering and baking. I called her.  She was really helpful at the start,  she taught me the basics, it is said that she got swamped in work before we did the actual baking together.

What kind of cakes do you sell?

I am not limited to only one type, I bake and sell all types of cake for whatever function anyone is having, whether it is soothing ones taste buds, a birthday, or a wedding, the Cake Guy is always available.

What is Unique about The Cake Guy?

I treat each order I get with high regard. I want to give my customers the best, not only for them to return but to also refer their friends to their Cake guy.

What has been your worst baking disaster?

Oh wow!!!!! There was a time, my head was on a roller coaster, I forgot to add sugar, baking flour and estimated the wrong measurements.
My final product was a half-baked cake, burnt too because of the heat haha. Despite all those imperfections,  I am grateful, I am a better baker.
What are some of the challenges you have faced along the way and how have you overcome them?

 It is hard dealing with harsh customers, but patience and calmness have helped me a lot.

We have witnessed losses during cake transit,  the best way is to caution the delivery guy to ride slowly to avoid hitting potholes or humps, alternatively, one person from the team can carry the cake and ride along, or for really big cakes, we use a car.

Did Covid affect your business?

Yes, Covid made our would-be customers financially constrained because buying cake was more of a luxury before families had meals on their tables. Delivery was hard because of the curfew restrictions as well. 

The success you have attained, who do you attribute it to?

God's grace has kept me through. I am also indebted to my friends and family that have greatly made noise for my business.

Looking back, what has been your greatest achievement?

I count everything around me as an achievement. The experience I have gained, the contacts, referrals, having the Cake Guy gracing functions, I do not take any of those lightly.

Where do you see The Cake Guy in the coming years?

The Cake Guy would have made a name for itself in the corporate industry, with a patisserie running alongside a baking school and restaurant. I also see myself shipping baking and cooking machinery. All by God's grace.

Knowing what you know now, what do you wish you could have done better?

I wish I began way earlier, like in my form six vacation when I had too much time and I was so idle. I would have more experience.

As an entrepreneur what gives you the biggest joy,?

The smiles I put on the faces of my clients and the people I love,  knowing that I am contributing to the greater good of my community by employing a few people and donating some of the cakes I bake to charity causes. 

Tell us about your team

I work with four people. My brother helps me out when the orders are overwhelming and then my delivery people.

What lessons have you learned in this journey?

Investing time to study more about the things you are not taught in baking school is so crucial, asking people that have gone before you is necessary too, and we are now in the digital era, information is everywhere, meaningfully learn what builds you, I learned a lot from YouTube tutorials.

What partying shot do you have for the Elvis out there?

To the Elvis out there, the business start-up is quite challenging but manageable, you need to have the love, zeal, persistence, devotion, commitment, and financial discipline.

I know for the first months, the pressure and doubt will mount up because you are trying to figure it all out. You will have sleepless nights but regardless,  keep pushing, someday you will be proud of yourself.  So if you have an idea or a vision, it's okay to first work and try to get some capital, once you do, kickstart early, so that you can get some time in the future to rest rather than starting late.

Why does this story communicate to us?

Elvis reminds us of the power of stepping out and thinking outside the box, we believe in young entrepreneurs growing their side hustles into full-time businesses.  Elvis saw potential in his passion for baking, making him quit his full-time job to wholly concentrate on it. In a year, The Cake Guy has grown to eight million Uganda Shillings.

What better way to prove the power of possibility than this story! Thank you Elvis for inspiring our generation.

You can Follow the Cake Guy on Facebook |Instagram|


  1. This is great inspiring story...
    Keep it up Elvis

  2. Amazing story right there ,its inspiring.

  3. So much inspiring and great words of encouragement, wisdom and hard work. I love the success path your on. Cake guy to Uganda and to the world


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