The mushroom story

 Ahabwe Canary and Kamusiime Azaria are 
an amazing duo equipping thousands of women in Uganda with skills in mushroom growing.

The love for mushrooms, a frequently under-appreciated food, has made the combo earn a place in Uganda's agricultural arena. Here is their story.

The Dawn

"In 2017, heaven smiled on me and Canary", Azaria recalls. traveled to Algeria and studied organic chemistry while Canary pursued crop husbandry in Israel.

While in Israel, Canary worked at Marina Tevapost, a  mushroom growing company, that exposed him to everything concerning mushrooms and their uniqueness.

"The project excited him so much that he wanted us to start it immediately we stepped foot in Uganda". Azaria adds.

"In only a year, Agromush Uganda was born in 2018, at that time I was still in Algeria, nevertheless we kept in touch and in 2019 I joined him on the ground till date". Azaria reassures us.

Inspiration and Impact.

Agromush Uganda was birthed out of the strong desire to see communities thrive with families having access to basic needs like food.

Over 200 women and youth in Kampala, Entebbe, Mbarara, Bushenyi, Kasese, Fort portal, Masindi, Masaka, and Mukono have learned how to grow, treat, harvest, and make money out of mushrooms.

Our project has witnessed a visible impact with women opening up businesses that provide food on their tables. We are happy to see them employed.

Partying Shot to anyone considering to be a co-founder

'Cofounding is great when you both share some similarities. You must be willing to pay the price to bring the dream to life". Canary says.

 "Azaria is amazing. He has put in the same effort as I do. When am not around, he steps in to help and the reverse is true". Canary adds.

Final thoughts

Pay close attention to what you hear, watch, the friends you make, the places you hang out, and above all know what God thinks about you. See yourself always enough and a success.

Our heart for this story

The mushroom story is a reminder that we all commit to our communities and countries. Look at Canary and Azaria, they did not keep all the knowledge they had acquired to themselves, rather they returned to their home country, Uganda to serve its people.

To find out more Facebook|Twitter|Instagram|
 Agromush Uganda 


  1. Congratulations Agro mush Uganda, and thanks for changing the lives of the many, it couldn't have been an easy start but nothing beats a willing heart to always begin.
    You're the prizes


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