Nagawa Lorna is helping individuals build their self-esteem by tailoring beautiful clothes that perfectly fit their bodies, tastes, and preferences. 

Through her initiative, Fountain stitches, she is impacting more young women like her to learn the skill too. Lorna is a Law Student at Makerere University.

We journey with her as we discover more about her love for fashion designing.

How and when did Fountain Stitches begin?

When covid hit, I challenged myself to create a clothing line, Fountain Stitches. Having been an employee in someone else's workshop opened my eyes to the bigger picture. I believed that with the experience I had attained, I could start too. I began in a community called Lweza off Entebbe road in Uganda.

Why choose fashion?

I love looking nice, and extending the same feeling to someone else is gratifying.

What is the earliest memory of designing clothes?

At the age of 14, In my senior two class at Makerere high school Miggade. I used to design and stitch clothes for people who were going to model during Music, Dance, and Drama competitions.
For those in Uganda, we all know that schools do not provide costumes especially for talent shows, on such days, one has to put their creativity into action. And there I was, young but with a heartbeat for fashion. I availed myself to stitch at no cost.

What impact have you had on the female gender in your community?

In only a year, we have trained a total of eight ladies, four adults, and young girls.

What was your biggest challenge starting?

I had less capital which meant less production.

Where do you envision Fountain Stitches five years to come?

We shall be a fashion vocational school and a clothing brand dealing in all kinds of apparel. 

What keeps your going?

The support of people that trust us to design their clothes inspires us to remain grounded in our work. 

How do Fountain Stitches get clients?

By word of mouth and recommendations from clients that have loved the work, we do for them.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned?

It is important to learn from your mistakes and be receptive to feedback.  Some days you will receive a rough client, but how you handle him or her is very important. Accept the negative criticism and use it to better your work.

What advice can you tell a Lorna out there?

 Always believe in yourself and whom you associate with real matters. So be so intentional about the relationships you create.

Why do we love this story?

Now more than ever we need the Lorna's of our time. Young ladies harness the gifts they are born with, and not only commercialize them but share them with the less fortunate. Ladies rising, not alone but together with their own too .


  1. Very inspiration....
    Keep it up Lornas

  2. Very beautiful designs πŸŽ†It's amazing to always know there are still more selfless and intelligent people who are willing to uplift others with there gifts and resources

  3. Wow this is great. Thank you Lorna for your story. I have been encouraged big.


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