There is no doubt that photography tells a story too, we are proud of the women rising to join the venture.

Meet Ashadu Atayi, a female Muslim photographer born and raised in Uganda. Presently, She lives in Turkey with her family.

Ashy as many call her, shares with us her passion for photography in an industry deemed for men, and the most captivating,  how she shoots beautiful images in the diaspora.

What inspires you?

Everything around me inspires me, there is no beauty the camera can not fail to capture.

Did you go to photography school?

No, I am a self-taught photographer, no school taught me how to shoot or even hold the camera, I thank God for the Internet, it has been a great teacher, I have taken short courses on photography to widen my expertise in it.

How do you feel being a female photographer in a foreign country and an industry known for males?

It feels great being a Muslim, and female photographer, It is unique and it makes me happy. If the men are doing this work, why not we the ladies? believe everyone is free to do whatever makes them happy. 

What was the first picture you shot and what's the story behind it?

I took this photo clueless about camera settings take a look yourself😇, I am glad it turned out great.

What does photography mean to you?

Photography is a therapy that I always return to. I find solace in the beautiful wonder of the things that surround me. 

What are the lessons you have learned over the years?

 Patience and persistence can take you places, you should never compare yourself with anyone else because we are all different and unique in our way.

What is gives you the greatest joy doing this work?

Seeing people happy and making long-lasting memories for them.

Describe your photograph style?.

Lifestyle and posed photography.

Any challenges 

I am still establishing firm ground in Turkey, my biggest challenge, the language is too complex for me, nevertheless, I am perfecting it. The Turkish people regardless have embraced my photography, they book shots with me.

📍Where do you see your photography in five years

My photography skills will be refined and more people will be impacted by my work. I see us with a photography academy welcoming all sorts of people to train and grow their talents on the lens.

Any advice to an Ashy out there?

Dear beautiful woman, your dreams are valid and it is not too late to begin. Start from where you are with what you have. You are capable of making a change, continue doing what you love, press on, and believe more.

Why do we love this Story?

 Ashy's story comes at an opportune time, women's month,  we are reminded of the power of Possibility, you alone are your limitation. 

This story is dedicated to all female photographers that have broken the bias to be all that they can be in spaces society things they dont belong to.

For more information about Ashy's photography 
Follow iam_atayi on Instagram, Facebook - Atayi Ashadu, and Twitter as Atayi.


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