Financially Woke

 Winnifrey Bajwera is encouraging women from diverse social spaces to harness the beauty in 
planning and managing their finances.

Through her Project, Finance For Her,  she is not only enabling women to creatively think outside the box but giving them an extra push to take pride in making and having their own money.

Women should become aware of their finances, from the one-on-one, and group coaching sessions that I do. I have realized that most women are afraid to talk about money. Winnifrey begins our chat.

Why do you think women are afraid to talk about money?

 There is a wall that has been built, more of a stereotype, that when one does not have money, you do not qualify to fit in particular circles, and when you have too much money you are the lioness in the den.

The pressure of not having any money has taken a toll on women, in most instances, I have seen ladies in friendship circles borrow money just to attend a girl's trip, or even eat at a luxurious restaurant.   As ladies, these are things that are attractive to the eye, and you find that one has to find all means to fit in, even when it involves being in debt. Winnifrey reassures.

Have you gone through an experience that required you to live within your means?

I remember there was a time I wanted to move into a house that was 50% of my income, yet from tests and research we are advised not to pay rent that is even 30% of one's income. I had to settle it in my heart, that much as I wanted that home, at that time, I was not in a position to do so. 

What do you think about budgeting?

 I have heard people say that if one budgets, one can not enjoy his or her life. Well, budgeting can work for me and not work for you, it is either you do not know how to budget or you are not living within your means, from my experiences, ever since I began budgeting, my life is much better.

Budgeting is pivotal, it directs your road map to the goals you would want to achieve and it is a good accountability tool. Before I spend money on things I have not Intended to buy, I have to ask myself. Winnie, have you met the goal you set? If the answer is no, I won't buy. If it's yes, why not? Budgeting has enabled me to have a financially disciplined life.

There has been a shift in the way we budget, in your view what needs to be done better, especially for the freshmen in universities.

 I would strongly recommend all universities to emphasize financial management classes not only theoretically but practically too. With this, our students can graduate knowing how to plan, save, create side hustles, and multiply their finances through investments.

Do you believe in inside hustles?

One hundred percent yes, and everyone needs to have one as another source of income. Ten years ago, shops were considered profitable and good side hustles, today there are so many ways to earn a little extra, babysitting, delivering groceries, freelance writing, teaching English and so much more. 

What breaks your heart most?

I would love to extend more financial services to as many women as I can but resources limit me, at times it is straining to ask them to pay an individual fee of 50.000Uganda Shillings because they are going through their share of predicaments.

It is said that much as we are in the digital era, some ladies, from grassroots communities do not have up-to-date information on financial literacy. Some of these ladies are in small loan groups and at the end of the day, there is no fruit to show for it. From the stories they share, the loans they get, pay other loans got from somewhere else, and others spend on home consumption.

What has been your greatest lesson?

Every day is an opportunity to learn and unlearn. Financial concepts keep changing day after day and one has to keep them in check.  

What partying shot do you have for the ladies that feel financially insecure?

Ladies stop feeling sorry for yourselves, if you are in a season that is not going on well financially, it is not permanent. Discover ways to do better and more. Ask for help!!!

Why do we love this story?

The times have changed, and women have risen to fight for their space in society too. Wake up every morning to fend for themselves and be help meets suitable to their husbands and households at large. Women like Winnifrey are holding their sister's hands, saying let's financially grow together, without leaving anyone behind, this is what we need. Women that are each other's keepers.

To learn more: Follow Finance For Her on Instagram


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