Thank you Golden

It feels amazing to read stories from children, am reminded of my younger self 😇

Story four is from the beautiful Golden Treasure, a primary six learner at St. Peters Primary School Nsambya in Uganda.

On Saturday afternoon as I was walking home. I found my friend Kisakye crying. I asked her what was wrong. She said, "I fell and hurt my leg". and my dress looks dirty. My mother will be angry with me. I decided to help her.

We walked towards my home. When we reached home, I left her inside our living room and ushered her into a seat. I gave her some juice. Then I went and got a first aid kit.

I carefully nursed her wound. I bandaged her very well as I was taught at school regarding first aid. I washed her dirty clothes which had some blood on them. Then, I hang them outside on a washing line to dry. I also gave her other clothes to wear.

At around 4:30 in the evening, her clothes were dry, I gave her some sweets to take home. Kisakye was very happy. She happily walked home after thanking me.

Nakimuli Golden Treasure
St Peters Nsambya


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