Two Great values

My dad instilled two special values that I still uphold today. One is kindness; this made me learn to view everyone as a brother or a sister to me. To share what I have with them and to support them by any means possible to ensure that we move together and no one is left behind. 

This taught me to give back to society after growing up. When I was in my second year on campus I started a community-based organization to offer mentorship to young students in the slum where I grew up. I still hold on to this value since it enables me to go well with other members of society and I have never found myself in any trouble with anyone. 

The second value that I hold from my dad is honesty. He taught me not to lie and be truthful including not stealing from anyone. This is difficult living in a society where corruption is a norm. Nevertheless, I have learned to live with it. 

Sometimes, I normally share with him scenarios where I was honest and somehow regretted it but he still sticks to his words that honesty will one day vindicate you. This is a value that I have always inculcated at work, in leadership positions I have had, and generally in my daily life up to date. I celebrate my dad for instilling in me good values that build me differently. 

Recently my former workmate got twins and named one of the twins after me, Hiram with the hope that the baby boy will grow with my character of being straightforward in everything I do.

 Hiram Kariuki


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