You should know, it's your life

"Whenever we kids had to take a decision our dad always listened and guided us, but in the end, he reminded us “You should know, it’s your life.”

He taught me to do what is important to me, doesn’t matter what others think about it. He said to us kids that we can study whatever we like, and he will support it, but we must get a qualification. 

If you qualify, you can always fall back to that occupation, if you like to venture out and do something different. It’s your backup.  I did exactly that. I became a teacher and left the teaching profession after 14 years.

 I taught myself graphic design and started working as a graphic designer. At the same time, I started my cancer charity “Love Your Nuts”.

 Today I do the things I love to do and use my teaching skills when I visit schools to educate about testicular cancer.

 I’ve got the peace of mind that I can always go back to teaching if charity or graphic design isn’t sufficient income anymore. Thanks, Dad!

 Torsten Koehler
South Africa


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