See the Good

LOCK DOWN STORY 10: AYO PATRA I am a third year student at Kyambogo University pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Land Surveying and Information Systems. By this time, I would be thinking of my final year but because of the pandemic, I still remain uncertain about the continuity of education in my country. I am also a lover of basketball , a skill I am Unashamed to take pride in, most people think it is a sport for only men, but women can surely play just like men, I am a witness to this. This period has contributed to my spiritual growth. With my family, my faith has increased, my prayer life has changed too, Before I could not last long in prayer but now I can. I have learnt new hairstyles and this has helped me save a lot of money that I would have spent in the saloon. I can budget properly and better now. I can now make some good food because I had really dreadful cooking skills. Being at home, has given me ample time to ...