A father of all Seasons

My father sold his piece of land to pay my nursing tuition fees so that I could graduate and help my siblings. Thank you, Daddy, I was depressed and worried that I would not finish the last semester but he came through, and he reassured me that I would complete the course. My father is always available, emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually. He is someone who will treat people in the best way regardless of their background, I have seen him do this, especially with the friends I have, this taught me not to judge people at first sight but rather to get to know them better. My father is open to communication, he wants to have genuine and honest conversations with my siblings and I He will want to know every detail of what's going on in one's life. Sometimes when I am struggling, I remember I got a dad to talk to and he’s available 24/7. Nanyunja Sarah Uganda